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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Leave the Baggage Behind You

Baggage. One definition is "superfluous or burdensome practices, regulations, ideas, or traits." This definition includes people and past experiences.

Baggage does "nothin' for nobody." Sometimes baggage leaves on its own via attrition. This is always the best way, but it's not always an option. Sometimes you have to make the conscious decision to get rid of it on your own. In order to do that, you have to be willing to look at the situation with a clear mind and make good decisions. Sometimes these decisions won't be popular with people around you, but you have to be ok with that.

I have recommended many times the book "The Success Principles." It is truly life-changing. It has helped me see some situations for what they are. Whether good or bad, in the long run it's good. I have been able to rid some baggage via hard decisions and others via attrition. I am blessed to be surrounded by some of the most supportive people that I could know. I am blessed to have a wonderful family and some very very good friends.

With the end of the year in sight, I challenge you to do the same thing. What is not working in your life? Is it a situation? Is it a person? Is it negative self-talk? Is it turning to food for comfort? Whatever your baggage may be, take a long, hard look at it. What can you do to rid yourself of it?

Be prepared. It may be a painful process. I can promise, however, in the long run, it will be the most liberating thing you can do for yourself!

Leave your baggage on the street corner! Let someone else take it if they choose! Or just let it be swept away with the trash! Just don't take it back home with you.

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Anonymous said...

Nice blog. You have some interesting posts. Keep up the good work.

Rochelle said...

Why, thank you! I'm glad that you are enjoying it. Please stop back by often!
