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***You must currently live in the US to be a coach.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Plan for New Year's, NOW!

This is from Carl's blog...worth reposting here!

This post is about you taking "just enough" action to become a coach and making sure that you are part of the revolution as a coach who can get fit and earn; not just a spectator watching everyone else.

For some, becoming a Beachbody Coach can look intimidating. They are the people that usually watch opportunity pass them by. They cruise around social networking sites and see a ton of other coaches milling around the same groups and think that it's going to be hard to compete in a crowded marketplace.

First - it just isn't crowded. Second - You won't find out unless you sign up and see that it only takes a little effort to see things start to happen.

Right now we have less than 14,000 coaches - great number in some respects, but merely a drop in the ocean of opportunity. There are hundreds of millions of people in this country. You can connect with many of them every day in so many ways. Hundreds of millions of people, and less than 2% of them have ever bought a Beachbody product.

But ALMOST ALL of them will justify over-indulging from now until New Years thinking they will start working out January second. "I'll start right after New Years"... (That's a familiar voice!)

Every year, this is the dance. And every year, this is the opportunity.

As a coach, your job is to stake your claim to that opportunity now - maybe not to make a million dollars a year, but maybe to simply get your share: If someone you know is going to buy a Beachbody product in 2009, they need to know that you are a distributor so they come to you to pick the right program and get the best results.

Tell people you are going to do P90X. Tell hem you love Turbo Jam. Tell them when ChaLEAN Extreme launches, you are going to kick it off with a group of people for a three month boot camp. Create the enthusiasm so people have something to commit to this January -- YOU!

But they won't know unless you ARE a coach, and unless you tell them that WHEN they are ready, you have the solution. THAT'S HOW YOU ARE A FORCE OF CHANGE - by increasing the decibel level of how easy it can be to get started and succeed! And then simply being there to help them get started!

It's as easy as reposting blogs like this on MySpace or Facebook. Give it your own flavor and add your coach web store address, but the message is worth repeating from one friend to another until it shows up on every profile on the Internet: These products work, and together we are the best source for success through peer support and motivation!

We priced this coaching concept low so as many people as possible would get involved and get the word out - not just about Beachbody, but about how this trend of obesity and all these health issues can be solved by supporting each other!

Get involved. Stake your claim. And let's build the momentum of the Beachbody Revolution together!

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