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Friday, February 19, 2010

Beachbody Tip: Thighs Too Big?

By Debbie Siebers

There is absolutely no way you can put on too much muscle doing squats and lunges using no weight at all. It is impossible. These are fat-burning, high-volume, body-sculpting moves. It's light resistance training that creates lean muscle. The more lean muscle you have, the more your body will burn fat efficiently. If you put on some weight, it is just temporary water weight. Sometimes your muscles want to retain water before letting go. This is a normal process, but it's temporary!

If your thighs are already very muscular and large, it is very tough to get them smaller, but you can. You have to be extremely patient and consistent. Slim in 6® is exactly what you should be doing. Make sure you always use light weights and do a lot of reps—15 at a minimum, but generally more. It's all about sweating and working hard, getting your heart rate up for at least 45 minutes to one hour.

When you finish Slim in 6, you can continue doing Burn It Up!, but alternate it with some other cardiovascular exercise on opposing days. Try doing this for two weeks. After that, I suggest ordering Slim Series ®. This really kicks up your intensity/metabolism a notch, and you burn fat like crazy.

It's taken time for you to create this situation for yourself, and you should not expect it to just go away in six weeks. This is a transition you will have to make and stick with for the rest of your life.

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1 comment:

Jan said...

I learn a lot from your post. I am also trying to lose weight and your tips are very helpful.