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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Emotional Eating: Let's Just Flush It!

This picture represents my emotional eating. Yes, it is a real picture taken by my hubby and six-year old son last year in a desperate attempt to help me. I was OUT OF CONTROL! (and angry when I found the pix!)

I understand emotional eating first-hand. I grew up in a Jewish family where EVERYTHING revolved around food. I learned early on that I could eat when I was happy, excited, sad, angry, stressed, celebrating...well, you get the point. Oh yea, plus we ate at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I carried that practice into my adult life.

As a result, I have gained and lost the same 20 lbs more times than I can remember.

I am on an on-going quest to discover the root of my emotional eating. Sometimes it has been emotionally painful. Sometimes it has been uncomfortable. Sometimes it has been exciting. Always it has been EMPOWERING!

Have I won this battle? Nope. I don't know that it is a battle to win. It is a battle that I can control, however, one day at a time. I have the tools through BeachBody and the best support system in place that a girl can ask for.

I'm flushing that toilet!

(This is a repost from April 2008. It is still so relevant for me that I wanted to share it again. The picture always makes me laugh.)

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Anonymous said...

Ro, thank you so much for being so real with us. You are not alone. I grew up Italian....say no more!! Food = Love to so many of us. We give love by providing food, and we look for nurturing by turning to food. I just got thru a few bad days myself. It helps me to to be proud of each good choice...even if there is only 1 a day! Sometimes that gets me back on a roll. Nurturing ourselves with good choices instead of food. You would think it would be easier to stick with in times of stress, but we revert back to what we know from our roots. Big sigh. I am right beside you. xoxoxox Paula

Rochelle said...

I have to agree with you. One of my coaches, Tams, said something that really made me think...she talked about using food to medicate.


I never thought of it from that perspective. That is EXACTLY what emotional eating is...medication...for whatever reason.

I WILL NOT medicate myself any longer.