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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Being a military wife is hard. No ifs, ands, or buts.

My husband has had "boots to the ground" for almost 3 weeks now. What does this mean? It means that he's getting ready for bed as I'm waking up. It means that I can't just call or text him when I need support or think of something funny that I want to share. It means that I have to wonder what he's up to. It means that I live by the calendar that we get to X off each day. It means that my partner is half-way around the world from me.

The toughest pill to swallow so far? That life goes on.

Last week, I, unexpectedly, found myself angry at the world...angry at everyone who doesn't have a loved one deployed. Rational? Of course not. It was how I felt however.

Here's the thing I want you to know about military spouses with deployed loved ones...



we have our moments...our moments where we are bitchy for no reason...our moments where we are consumed with our own situation and need you to simply understand and support us...our moments where you can't take our reactions personal.

Yes, life DOES go on for each of us, but it's OK to ask us how we are doing. It's ok to call us to check in. Deployment is NOT the elephant in the middle of the room...we are willing to talk about it. You just have to be prepared for our answers...which may very well be based in emotion at the moment. Many of us have become single parents overnight with the added worry about our partners in a combat zone.

So, yes, WE are strong. The question is are YOU? Are YOU strong enough to support us? Just some food for thought.


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