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Sunday, December 27, 2009

R Before I (research before ignorance)

Nope, I don't typically post on Sundays, but I am trying super hard to not blow a gasket at the ignorance of some people.

I'm appalled that anyone can hint that we, my husband and I, actually CAUSED our child's ADHD. WTH?!?!?! Our son was adopted at birth, and as a RN, I've done a tremendous amount of research regarding the genetic link of ADHD. ADHD actually has a high hereditability compared to other behavioral diagnoses.

People, do your research before you start to give your opinions...regardless that "some studies say TV and video games cause it." Actually, the studies say that TV and video games can aggravate symptoms, NOT cause it.

Just because my child can be difficult to manage at times and has a hard time containing his emotions does NOT mean we have parented poorly. To believe that is pure ignorance.

and now, I shall step down from my soapbox.


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Sara said...

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with stupid people. Why is it that everyone seems to have their own opinions about how YOU should raise YOUR child?!

You've proven that you're willing to do anything for your son in order to help him. Raising him in a healthy lifestyle, trying out Feingold, and having him tested to see if he honestly can be helped with drugs or therapy. That's way more than nearly all US parents do. You should be commended for trying all options without jumping to the "easy" fix!

Take care and try not to let them get you down. :)

Rochelle said...

Thank you, THANK YOU, for your kind words!!! I really appreciate it. :-)