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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our Feingold Experience

I've been getting lots of questions about the Feingold diet that we've started, so I thought I'd post our experience thus far. In truth, we are doing a modified version because the full-fledged diet doesn't fit for us.

Basically the premise is removing all preservatives, additives, and junk from your foods. For us, the program was well worth the money, even if we don't follow it to a T. By making specific brand choices, we've replaced MANY of our food items with healthier options. I'm pleased with that. I find myself not using processed foods.

It's been very eye-opening. Even some foods that you would think would be ok are only ok with specific brands. As I did my research, I was amazed at the additives many brands put into their foods. Yuck!

I've also returned to the way of our moms and grandmas for some things. For example, I'm making my own chocolate syrup for our son's hot chocolate. It's easy as pie, takes less than 5 min to make, lasts for a week, and has NO unnatural items in it. I feel GREAT about that.

It WAS (and still is) an adjustment for our son, who mourned the loss of his Chef Boyardee. It was (and still is) an adjustment for me as I hunted for the specific brands the first time in the store.

Will this plan "cure" his ADHD and/or sensory integration issues? I highly doubt it. Is this plan, however much healthier for the ENTIRE family. Absolutely!


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Sara said...

You sound a lot like me. We don't follow Feingold exactly, but I do think it has helped our family. I have honestly started liking my son again. I'm not sure if that's a result of him following the diet or ME following the diet, but if that's the only thing we get out of it, I would be happy. I didn't like the way I felt about my child before.

For us, I think the problem is artificial colors and strong odors. And, like you said, it's amazing to realize all the stuff they put artificial things into. (Why in the world do they have to use Yellow #5 in everything?!)

You'll have to check out Wildtree ( sometime - we recently discovered it and it's making cooking without artificial colors much easier. (but expensive - I try to stick with just the seasoning blends - more bang for your buck) :)

Mike Stickel said...

Wow. Good luck. Depending on your social circle I may be considered a nut or a hippie but I believe nature has a remedy for almost anything. Nature can't do it alone. We have to have the right mindset to succeed and it sounds like you are certainly doing the right things to succeed.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.