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Thursday, October 29, 2009

5 Tips to Stick with a Healthy Lifestyle!

1. Portion size for high-calorie food = very small. Portion size for vegetables = large.
2. Distract yourself when you have a very strong craving. Cravings will disappear after two minutes if you walk away and turn your attention elsewhere.
3. Think "W.I.W.M." When you really crave something unhealthy, finish this phrase: "What do I want more?" That piece of chocolate cake or a body I feel proud of? And on rare occasions, it’s okay to pick the chocolate cake!
4. We are works in progress. No one eats perfectly every day, so don’t allow one bad choice to result in binging the rest of the day or falling back into old habits—and that includes on vacations. Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean that your eating habits are, too! Look forward to all the free time you’ll have to exercise or sightsee on your long walks while on your next getaway.
5. As hard as it may seem at times to get into shape, it's often more stressful, depressing, and even potentially life threatening to remain overweight.

Info provided by Trainer Chalene Johnson

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