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Monday, August 31, 2009

Change Sucks!

Yea, yea, yea, I know that I posted the other day about changing your life, so why would I call this post "Change Sucks"? Well, because I have just come off one of the hardest weeks.

It is so hard to let your child grow up and make necessary changes. I have been a homeschool mom and able to shield my son from the big, bad world. We've had our warm, comfortable one where we snuggle on the couch doing school. Last week changed all of that when my almost 8-yr old went to school for the first time...starting in 2nd grade.

I had NO IDEA how hard it was going to be...FOR ME!

Yes, he's already hit bumps, but I know in my head that change takes time. I tell that to people every single day. My mommy heart, however, says something completely different. It's basically saying SCREW THIS!

I'm gonna suck it up. Not because I want to, but because I have to.

Change takes time. Change takes adjustment. Change is uncomfortable. Change SUCKS. Without change, however, there is no growth...and that isn't acceptable.


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1 comment:

Coach Barbie, PhD said...

I was just talking about this with my friend. Her little boy got teased at school for not having a bag that is cool enough. He felt horrible, and she wanted to shelter him, but knows that he must develop his own coping skills. GROWTH IS HARD, isn't it! But, your boys will grow up to be confident individuals because you let them grow up! Hugs to you!
