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Friday, August 14, 2009

Coffee...Gimme My COFFEE!

I love me my Joe. Actually, I love me my Keith, my hubby of 18 years, but that has NOTHING to do with coffee, does it?! So, I love me my Joe.

I love the taste. I love the comforting feeling of holding a hot cup of the stuff...and if I'm being honest, I love how it makes me feel, which leads me to the main topic today.


There is a lot of controversy about this substance that is a central nervous system stimulant. Caffeine's effects include increasing the heart rate, boosting urine production, and raising the metabolic rate.

Caffeine is the most widely used behaviorally active drug in the world. In fact, at least 8 out of 10 adult Americans consume the stuff. Caffeine has been blamed as the culprit behind cancer, heart disease, breast disease, and other ailments, yet scientists have yet to confirm that caffeine contributes to any problem other than the jitters.

An interesting study in Boston actually showed that people who consume high amounts of caffeine also consume a low amount of healthy food and are inactive. Perhaps these factors contribute to the physical ailments? I mean, come on, we know they do!

So, am I going to quit drinking my coffee? Ummmm...NO! I love it too much. I do want to stress, however, what I stress with everything: MODERATION is the key!

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