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Thursday, February 19, 2009

I am gonna POP

We are one week away from Brian's surgery, and the stress is getting to an all-time high. I feel like I'm dealing with so much and just don't know how much more that I can take.

Yes, it sucks that we are having to go through another surgery, BUT we knew that we would have too. I don't think that family...understand EVERYTHING ELSE that I have to deal with at the same time: concern for my child while I'm gone, his homeschooling while I'm gone, our finances, my hubby's potential deployment, looking for a private school for my son for next year, and on and on and on and on. I'm dealing with MORE than just my brother's surgery, but people tend to forget that. I'm the CEO of my household...when I'm not here, my absence is felt.

I have no choice but to continue to move forward and through this. I know that things will work themselves out, but I am NOT having fun right now.

I miss normalcy. I WANT normalcy.

Have you ever felt like you just want to run away? I'm so there. At this point, I'm really just ranting for myself, but if I don't get it out, I feel like I may explode... a ZIT!


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Anonymous said...

Ewww, I could have done without the zit analogy :) We are all praying for you and ALL your responsibilities!

Rochelle said...

Ha, but THAT'S how I feel...yucky like a zit! :P